About Us

The Shiatsu Therapy Association of Australia Inc. (STAA) was established in 1987 as the national peak body representing shiatsu therapists. Shiatsu Neck Stretch

Governance of the association is the responsibility of a National Council comprised of volunteers who are also shiatsu therapists. A broad range of skills are contributed by Council members to the growth and development of STAA and its activities. Although the organisation operates from an office in Melbourne, the Council benefits from the input of representatives from most Australian states.

STAA is dedicated to expanding the awareness and recognition of shiatsu in the Australian community and its integration into the health care system.

The Association has been responsible for the development of competencies and standards for shiatsu therapists and colleges, and maintains the only national register of diploma-qualified shiatsu therapists who can demonstrate a commitment to ongoing professional development.

We work closely with colleges that offer the Diploma in Shiatsu and Oriental Therapies - the minimum recognised qualification for STAA membership - and collaborate with relevant government departments to regularly evaluate the Health Training Package, ensuring that the syllabus in Shiatsu and Oriental Therapies and the training provided by colleges in Shiatsu is of the highest standard.

The STAA Council has implemented and monitors Continual Professional Education and Development (CPE&D) for qualified practitioner members, thereby supporting members and ensuring the highest levels of professional practice.

Our professional resources include the biannual journal Pointers, the e-newsletter Tsubo, and the development of quality marketing brochures for purchase by member therapists. We also maintain the only national calendar of shiatsu events and workshops.

STAA has been successful in securing agreements with 13 private health funds which now provide insurance cover for shiatsu and accept STAA full members as providers. Negotiations and lobbying with private health funds is an ongoing feature of STAA’s work on behalf of members.

The development of an online forum for members is an opportunity for practitioners to exchange information, connect professionally, and support one another.


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